Neuro Developmental Movement Therapy
A baby's brain is only 20% developed at birth. In their first year of life, they execute pre-programmed reflex movements that mature their Central Nervous System. These Primitive reflexes create the wiring for the automatic part of the brain, so that the 'higher' brain is able to function with ease.
These reflexes develop in the womb and should be integrated by the time a baby is one year old. They are gradually replaced by the Postural reflexes which cope with the demands of a gravity-based environment.
If the Primitive Reflexes remain, then the Postural Reflexes are prevented from full development. Retained Primitive Reflexes or under-developed Postural Reflexes can affect many different areas such as
Reading and Writing
Focus and attention
Balance and Coordination
By working with specific movement exercises retained Primitive Reflexes and under-developed Postural Reflexes can be inhibited to develop a more integrated Central Nervous System. To find out more
Please see The Neuro Balance Centre