What is it?
It is a way of cultivating wellbeing through gaining a greater understanding of themselves and their minds and how they work.
It introduces new ways to relate to their thinking processes, showing them how to work with difficult thoughts and emotions so that they can take care of themselves. It helps them to be more aware of how they are feeling, for example we talk about social media and explore their relationship to it .
They learn how to steady themselves when their mind or body is busy or out of balance.
Teaching is either done in a group setting or one to one.
How can it help?
– It can help them to manage social media
– Helps them get out of negative spirals of thinking
– Cope better with difficult mental states such as anxiety and overthinking
– Help them to be more resilient and resourceful
– Improved sleep
– Better concentration and focus
– Help them to be kinder towards themselves
Consultation / session
The teaching is done through a variety of ways – video clips, breathing exercises, and discussion. It is all very relaxed and informal.
On a one to one session it is very much tailored to the child’s needs and the child dictates the pace.
There are two courses for young people which can be taught one to one or in a group.
When taught in schools they can form part of PSHE.
One to one mindfulness sessions are £48 each.
For schools or groups please contact me.
Paws .b course for 7-11 year olds
6 sessions of 45 minutes
Lessons are taught through powerpoint, video clips, breathing exercises, discussions.
.b course for 11-18 year olds
8 sessions of 60 minutes.
Sessions are taught through powerpoint, video clips, breathing exercises, discussions.